Become a Vendor
2024 Vendor Rates
Affordable Rates!! All monies raised by vendor participation will support The Parkdale Community Association – an inner-city Not-for-Profit.
All rates are for one 10’ x 10’ space and do not include GST. Double spaces can be booked, indicate this request on your application.
Returning Vendor Early Bird (vendors from any previous PetFest event 2018-2023; must apply by March 15, 2024)
Brick and Mortar: $150
Artisan: $100
Early Bird (must apply by July 31, 2024)
Brick and Mortar: $200
Artisan: $125
Regular Rates (applications after Aug 1, 2024)
Brick and Mortar: $250
Artisan: $150
*Brick and Mortar include businesses with a physical store front (including residential locations), distributors, and realtors
*Artisan includes businesses that produce their own goods and services; sales are primarily online and at community markets

Animal-Based Non-Profit Organizations
Limited Spaces Available
No charge for your space! We reserve the right to limit the number of Non-Profit vendors that are accepted into the event. Once accepted as a vendor, we ask that you support the event by sharing on your social media outlets to create awareness that promotes attendance.
Petfest Title Sponsor
The title Sponsorship is the official sponsor of
Parkdale Petfest 2024!

The one and only sponsor of the Petfest caricature artist, a fan favourite!

A flat rate of $500 includes:
TWO 10’ x 10’ Vendor Space
Choice of location on site
Parkdale Petfest will market your business on all of our Social Media Outlets
Your Logo on our posters and all event marketing, including large street signage throughout city locations.​


**Parkdale Petfest reserves the right to limit the number of sponsors we approve.**
If you are interested in becoming an Event Sponsor, please be sure to indicate this on your application
Appear as an official
event sponsor for
Parkdale Petfest 2024

Provide 200 swag bag items, such as, treats, toys, free gift
**Bounce Back/Discounts/Gift With Purchase offers will not be considered

Sponsorship Opportunities
A flat rate of $1,500 includes: ​
TWO 10' x 10' Vendor Space
Choice of location on site
Your logo as Title Sponsor on all event posters and print marketing
Your business mentioned and tagged in all social media and marketing with Parkdale Petfest
MC Announcements/Thank You’s to our Title Sponsor during all three Superdogs shows
A flat rate of $500 includes:
TWO 10’ x 10’ Vendor Space
Choice of location on site
Your Logo will appear as a watermark on all portraits created by the caricature artist during Petfest 2024
Your business mentioned and tagged in all social media marketing related to the caricature artist's appearance at Petfest 2024​​
ONE 10’ x 10’ Vendor Space
Choice of location on site
Your Logo on our posters, all event marketing, and social media posts related to the swag bags​